Training Content 培训内容
Over this 1-day course, we start with the ‘why’ and ‘what’ of effective communication, then follow with tactical strategies for ‘how’. Participants explore and learn ways to build empathy and interpersonal dialogue through leading communication techniques, and finally apply the skills they have learned to the challenging questions and situations they have identified within their own work. We anchor everything with high-impact experiential activities to anchor behavioral and mindset change.
在这一为期1天的课程中,我们从有效沟通的“为什么”(重要性)和“什么”(学员所面临的真实挑战)开始,然后遵循“如何”的战术策略。 参与者通过领先的沟通技巧探索、学习建立移情和人际沟通的方法,最后将他们学到的技能应用于他们在自己工作中发现的具有挑战性的问题和情境。一切都是基于影响力高的、能够使行为以及状态改变的体验式学习手段。
Everything is done with experiential learning techniques with practice opportunities leveraging application and feedback. The program is designed to deliver mindset, tools, and application around communication and team cohesion.
- 9:00 Experiential Activity – the “Shoe Game” 鞋子游戏体验式学习环节
- 9:45 The Empathy Map共感图
- 10:55 Break
- 11:05 Values Cards 价值观卡片
- 11:40 the Trust Equation 信任方程
- 12:00 Lunch
- 13:00 Active Listening倾听技巧
- 14:00 4F for Overcoming Difficult Questions and Conflict Resolution 用4F技巧回答难题和解决冲突
- Using Specific Language 具体语言沟通技巧
- Using Positive Language 正面语言沟通技巧
- 15:30 Assessing Product and Service Benefits with Negotiables Cards 用Negotiables来分析产品及服务的优势
- 16:00 Challenge Cards 挑战卡
- 16:30 Limiting Beliefs to Success Beliefs + Board Breaking限制性信念转换成功信念以及打破模板
Detailed Descriptions 详细描述
Experiential Activity – the “Shoe Game” ‘鞋子游戏’体验式学习环节
Theory and Application: A short, powerful activity designed to tangibly increase personal productivity and highlight the importance of communication. This quick, interactive exercise is designed to demonstrate the productivity gains that lie in empathizing and communicating with our coworkers.
理论与应用:简短有力的活动旨在有效提高个人生产力并突出沟通的重要性。 这个快速互动的练习旨在展示移情和与同事沟通的生产力提升。
Evaluation and Practice: Participants will conduct an experiential simulation exercise followed by a debrief discussion that will practically and tangibly frame the themes of competing work priorities and communication.
Objectives: Trainees will experience first-hand the importance of effective communication when dealing with the multiple demands on their schedules and attention.
The Empathy Map 共感图
Theory and Application: An extremely useful tool to help participants learn to “put themselves in the shoes” of clients, key stakeholders, or even each other. This tool is also very effective at surfacing communicative conflicts and difficult questions.
Evaluation and Practice: Participants take the perspective of the target persona, and brainstorm what they think and feel, see and hear, say and do, as well as the pains and gains that motivate that person’s behavior.
评估和实践:参与者从目标人物的角度出发, 头脑风暴分析他们的想法和感受, 看到的和听到的, 说和做, 以及得与失从而激励他的行为。
Objectives: Exploring other people’s perspectives, facilitating constructive dialogue and empathy among team members.
目标:探索他人的观点, 促进团队成员之间的建设性对话和共鸣。
Values Cards 价值观卡片
What are Values?: Values are things that we believe are truly important in the way we live and work. They act like our rocket fuel driving us forwards to our goals. When our personal values are broken, we feel upset; when our personal values are met, we will feel really satisfied. Every argument you have ever had has been based on conflicting values.
Participants are each given a set of Values Cards and, holding in mind their job and life, sort through the deck and place the cards in various stacks, one stack they feel resonate with their values as relate to their work and life, one stack that is only marginally important, and one that conflicts or brings up feelings of antipathy. Participants share their values with each other, and identify ones they plan to focus on for the year.
How Understanding your Values Helps You: By becoming more aware of your drivers in life and work, you can use your values as a guide to make more sustainable and satisfying decisions in any situation. Simply put, identifying your values rapidly increases your engagement in life and work.
The number one mistake in managing and motivating others is to project your own values onto theirs. Understanding your team-members differing values will help you communicate
with and motivate each other much more effectively.
Active Listening 倾听技巧
Theory and Application: Effective communication hinges on two key sets of skills, advocacy and inquiry. “Active listening” comprises our comprehensive set of tools for inquiry; by mastering these skills, we are able to significantly enhance our communication.
Evaluation and Practice: Participants experience and learn the importance of active listening and explore common barriers to effective listening. They then practice and master 4 techniques for enhanced active listening: intention, focus, encouragement, and feedback.
评估和实践:参与者体验、学会倾听的重要性及好处以及探索听力的基础和普遍障碍。然后,他们掌握4种提升倾听能力的手段:a. 意图、b. 集中、c.鼓励、和 d. 反馈
Objectives: Learn techniques for increasing connection and buy-in from managers, coworkers, and clients, and increase overall communicative effectiveness.
4F for Answering Difficult Questions and Conflict Resolution 用4F技巧回答难题和解决冲突
Theory and Application: Used everywhere from the United Nations to the Harvard Negotiation Project to numerous Fortune 500 companies, this is a powerful framework for handling conflict and difficult conversations effectively, in ways that bypass our usual automatic “fight or flight” defensive response and allow us to have real, important dialogues about the issues that matter at work and in our lives.
理论与应用:无论从联合国到哈佛谈判项目到无数财富500强公司, 此工具是有效处理冲突和困难对话的有力框架, 绕过我们通常的自动“战斗或飞行” 的防御反应, 让我们拥有针对工作或生活中的问题的真正的关键性的对话。
Evaluation and Practice: Participants learn a 4-part framework (the ‘4F Model’ of Facts,
Feelings, Findings, and Future) for effectively addressing difficult questions, negative feedback, and interpersonal conflict.
评估和实践:参与者学习一个4部分的框架(“4F 模型” 的事实, 感觉, 发现和未来), 以有效地解决困难的问题, 负面的反馈, 和人际冲突。
Objectives: Mastering one of the absolute most effective and practical tools for conflict resolution and communication.
… as part of the NVC/4F framework, participants will also learn:
… 学非暴力沟通’和4F技巧的过程中,参与者也会学到:
1. Using Specific Language 具体语言沟通技巧
2. Using Positive Language 正面语言沟通技巧
Assessing Product and Service Benefits with Negotiables Cards 用Negotiables来分析产品及服务的优势
Theory and Application: Understanding the various features, attributes, and benefits that go into a successful product or service is key to highlighting the value of your offering, and for understanding the kinds of value to which key stakeholders respond.
Evaluation and Practice: Participants use the cards to identify the predominant strengths, features, and characteristics of their offering, their competitors’ offerings, and key areas of interest for stakeholders.
Objectives: Gaining the ability to more confidently and effectively discuss their offerings.
Challenge Cards 挑战卡
Theory and Application: The right mix of competition and collaboration fuel the group to arrive at solutions to the problems and conflicts they identified at the start of the workshop, and gain opportunities to apply their new tools and learning.
理论与应用:正确的混合竞争和协作使小组能够解决在讲习班开始时确定的问题和冲突, 并获得应用新工具和学习的机会。
Evaluation and Practice: Participants are divided into a “challenge team” and a “solutions team.” The challenge team tries to stump the solutions team with real and imagined difficult questions, and the solutions team deals with those challenges. When the solutions team is unable to come up with a satisfactory answer, both sides pause the game and work to devise a good solution before continuing.
评估和实践:学员分为“挑战团队” 和“解决方案团队”。挑战团队试图通过一些真实的或想象出来的困难问题来为难解决方案团队,解决方案团队想办法回答这些挑战性问题。当解决方案团队无法回答出满意的答案时, 双方暂停游戏, 并在继续之前一起设计一个好的解决方案。
Objectives: Applying the new tools and takeaways to actual and practical situations from their work life communication.
Limiting Beliefs to Success Beliefs + Board Breaking限制性信念转换成功信念以及打破模板
Theory and Application: Our limiting beliefs prevent us from achieving our full potential at work and in life. By breaking through these limitations, we are able to achieve so much more.
Evaluation and Practice: Participants collect the various limiting beliefs that are holding them back, and then reframe them as success beliefs. They then transfer these beliefs to both sides of a karate board, and, after learning the right system, vision, and mindset, break the boards with their hands.
Objectives: Applying the new tools and takeaways to change their mindset and go out ready to approach things in a new way.