In this highly competitive rapidly changing global economy, teams need leadership in creativity and innovation. How will your product or service stand out from the rest? Are there problems that need a creative solution? Is your company workflow optimized? This 2-day seminar will help management and individual contributors alike to develop a creative mindset. It can be delivered in Chinese or English, in-person or online.

Agenda – Day 1
9:00-9:30 Welcome
- Welcome participants.
- Introductions
- Program Expectations and Objectives
9:30-10:30 Innovation Model Activity
- Participants join an activity that will help them identify the key components of a Creativity and Innovation Model
- Activity Debrief
- Self-Assessment
10:30-10:45 BREAK
10:45-11:15 Redefine Innovation
- Review several definitions of Innovation and look for common themes
- Define Innovation for Synopsys
- The output and Impact of Innovation
11:15-12:00 Redefine Creativity
- Participants complete mini self-assessment, “What kind of Creative are you?”
- Based on results participants for a semi-circle for interactive exercise
- Explain that all people are creative but in different way
- Role of leader is to be a bridge between the different styles
- Participants identify their Creative and Innovative Strengths and Development Areas
12:00-13:00 LUNCH
13:00-13:30 Creating Innovative Team and Decide Innovation Topic
- Based on the pre-lunch activity participants form teams for the rest of the workshop
- Each Team identifies an Innovation Opportunity for Synopsys. This will be the focus for the throughout the rest of the workshop
14:00-14:30 Frame the Innovation Opportunity
- Teams create a statement to guide their Innovation Opportunity
- Complete a Pain / Gain Analysis to understand the customer/end user needs
14:30-14:45 BREAK
14:45-15:15 Generate Ideas
- In their teams, participants individually complete “Silent Brainstorming” for their Innovation Opportunity.
- Transfer top ideas to post-it notes
- Keep these Ideas for the next activity
15:15-16:00 Explore Possibilities
- Explain to participants that the way we talk about ideas can be “Idea Killers” or “Idea Boosters”
- Demonstrate ways we can kill ideas and ways we can boost ideas
- Share handout with guidelines
- Participants review and expand their top ideas using “Idea Boosters”
- Keep the output for the next activity
16:00-16:15 Take a Break
- Share with participants research on the importance of taking breaks.
- Share 1-2 techniques that leaders can use as part of take a break.
- Take an actual 5 minute bio-break
16:15-16:45 Filter Your Ideas
- Each group should have 10 to 20 specific ideas for their innovation topic.
- Introduce the NUF Test, a technique to help participants filter ideas to a manageable number.
- NUF stands for New, Useful, Feasible.
- Demonstrate, then ask participants to conduct their own NUF test using the ideas that have generated and explored.
16:45-17:00 Decide and Commit
- Each participant chooses an idea from the last activity to share with a member from another group.
- The idea should be one that they have personal interest or high value for.
- This is an individual decision not a group decision.
- Share the idea and seek feedback. Feedback on the quality of the idea and how to make the idea itself better.
17:00-17:15 Share the Learnings and Closing Circle
- Closing Circle with participants
- Prep for Day Two
Agenda: Day Two
09:00-09:20 Welcome Back & Warm Up
- Review Day One Content
- Answer questions
- Prep for Day Two
09:20-09:35 Share Learnings: Review Feedback from Delivery
- Participants refer to the feedback they received at the end of Day One.
- Share their learnings (feedback) they learnt from that delivery with their team members.
- This information will help them to redefine the issue opportunity for the next round.
09:35-09:45 ReFrame
- Most likely the ideas generated for the innovation topic came up without consideration for any particular group of people or customer.
- Invite participants to redefine their innovation issue opportunity through the lens of different customer segments.
- Invite participants to revisit their innovation issue opportunity and make it more specific for their intended customer.
09:45-10:05 Gather Data: Identify Customer Priorities
- Participants use a card sorting exercise to identify customer/end-user priorities
- This will help them on issues/concerns for their target
- Keep the card(s) for the next activity
10:05-10:25 Generate Ideas
- Introduce “Silent Brain-Writing” to the group
- Participants use the card from the previous activity as the focus for their Silent Brain-Writing
- Participants write their ideas and share with others in the group before discussing
10:25-10:35 BREAK
10:35-11:00 Explore Possibilities
- Invite participants to Explore further the Possibilities of the ideas they have generated
- Drill Down: Take general ideas and look at the specific parts
- Build Up: Combine different ideas to generate more possibilities
11:00-11:15 Take a Break
- This is not a formal break time. It is about understanding how to take and lead break times.
- Ask participants the following questions
- How do you take breaks?
- How do you lead taking breaks?
- Give participants 5 minutes to grab a coffee or grab some water will go to the bathroom.
11:15-11:45 Filter Ideas
- By this round each team should have quite a number of ideas.
- Introduce the Impact/Effort matrix as a way to Filter Ideas
- Demonstrate
- Participants complete their own Impact/Effort Matrix
11:45-12:15 Decide and Plan
- Using the output from the Impact Effort matrix each team decides on 4-5 ideas (depends on size of group. At least one person)
- Each person completes an Idea Presentation Sheet
12:15-13:15 LUNCH
13:15-13:45 Deliver
- Using the Idea Presentation Sheet participants share their idea with an “Executive Team”, i.e. small group of other participants.
- Pitch Idea and get feedback. Record to share with own team
13:45-14:00 Observe Results and Share the Learnings
- Participants share the feedback with their own team
- Look for insights to make their ideas stronger
14:00-14:30 Iterate the Process Again
- For the next 30 minutes each group will iterate the process again at their own pace.
- Having delivered twice already they are closer to knowing better what solution(s) might be for the innovation opportunity they have chosen.
14:30-14:45 Decide and Commit
- Introduce Sam Kaner’s “Degree of Agreement” as powerful tool for making participatory decisions.
- Explain the spectrum of Agreement and Buy-In that people may have for an idea or option.
- Ask participants to use the “Idea Sheets” for each idea and place them on the left side of a horizontal flip chart. At the top of the chart write Kaner’s Levels of Agreement. Use this process to help guide their decision.
- Choose the 2 ideas they wish to invest and present in the Marketplace.
14:45-15:30 Invest: Prepare the Marketplace
- Prepare the Marketplace
- Groups use the colored boards and any other resources they have at their disposal to create Marketplace booths.
- Show examples of past booths to give them an idea of what other teams have produced.
- This session also includes a 15-minute break of the participants wish to take it. They will probably choose to spend the time on preparation of the booth and practising their delivery pitch.
15:30-16:00 Delivery: The Marketplace
- Explain that each person needs to be able to explain the 2 Ideas that they have chose to pitch to their customers. The Pitch is 2 minutes. They should Deliver with WOW!
- Groups will move from one booth to the next. At each booth there is at least one person from that booth who can explain to the other members/customers.
- Remind participants to take a pen and paper with them to record their notes and insights.
16:00-16:20 Observe Results
- After all Delivery Pitches have been done, Participants evaluate the ideas they have heard.
- Most Valuable Idea – Focus on quality of ideas
- Most WOW Delivery – Focus on quality of delivery
- The Idea I want to Iterate – Focus on willingness to try
- Where does WOW Come From? Discussion on what made WOW in this process, and what has been WOW in the program.
16:20-16:45 Share the Learnings
- This Reflection and Share the Learnings is at 2 levels:
- Level 1: Participants return to their Innovation Group to share what they have learned about their innovation opportunity.
- Participants discuss:
- Feedback from Customers
- Areas of Success / Areas to Develop
- New Insights
- Participants complete reflection in the Workbook.
- Level 2: Individually participants reflect on:
- Personal Strengths / Development Areas
- Leading a Team for Innovation
- Application of Innovation Process in Synopsys
16:30-17:00 Close Workshop
- Invite Participants to use their Reflections to Re-Frame Issues/Opportunities for when they return to the workplace.
- Invite participants to form a circle in the open space
- Each person to share:
- Something Memorable from the Workshop
- An Area for Development
- Application back at work