The Influencing Skills for Managers and Leaders one-day workshop is designed to provide managers and leaders with the most valuable skill any business professional can posses: The ability to influence others. The program is founded on behavioral science research and has broad applications to many business situations. 为期一天的领导和管理人员影响力技能培训,提供了最有价值的、任何领域的职业人员都能运用的技能:影响他人的能力。这个培训课程是建立在行为科学研究的基础上,并通过了在许多商业领域进行实践的以后所设计和开设的。
Objectives: 目标:
The program will enable participants to: 该课程将使学员能够:
- Feel more confident influencing people outside their sphere of power更有自信地去影响他们权力范围外的人群
- Identify and build key relationships 确认和建立关键的人际关系
- Understand when and how to adjust their influence style 了解何时及如何去调整他们的影响风格
- Learn how to persuade without authority and in a structured way学会如何不用权力去劝说别人,并用有步骤的方法
- Feel more confident influencing and leading a virtual team 更有自信地去影响和领导一个虚拟的团队
Pre-Workshop Reading 培训前的阅读
- Change the Way You Persuade, by Gary A. Williams and Robert B. Miller, HBR May 2002 改变你的劝导方式 作者:Gary A Williams 和 Robert B. Miller, HBR 2002年5月出版
- Harnessing the Science of Persuasion, by Robert B. Cialdini, HBR October 2001 利用说服的科学 作者:Robert B Cialdini,HBR 2001年10月出版
Schedule: 日程安排:
9:00 – 9:15
Introduction/Objectives/Expectations 介绍/目标/期望
- Welcome participants 欢迎学员
- Ground Rules 培训规则
- Review Program Objectives 介绍课程的目标
9:15 – 10:15
Key Stakeholder Map 关键的利益相关图
- Choose a current Project 选择一个当前的项目
- Identify and analyze Key Stakeholders 确认和分析关键的利益相关者
10:15 – 10:30 BREAK 课间休息
10:30 – 11:15
Influencing Principles and Keys 影响的原则和关键点
- Definition and Benefits of Influencing 影响的定义和益处
- Power! Sources of Power 权力!权力的来源
- Six Principles of Influencing 影响的六个原则
- Four Keys of Influence 影响的四个关键点
11:15 – 12:00
Influencing Styles 影响的方式
- Complete the Influencing Skills Inventory 完成影响技能表
- Interpret Scores 解释分数
- Getting Feedback from Others 从其他人那里得到反馈
- Ways to Improve 改进的方法
- Things that may Decrease your Influencing Effectiveness 那些可能会降低你的影响效果的事情
12:00 – 13:00 LUNCH 午餐
13:00 – 14:30
Influencing for Results 有目的的影响
- Develop techniques for positive Influence 培养积极影响的技巧
- Application to Key Stakeholders 运用到关键利益者身上
- Strategies & tactics 策略和方法
- Tactics to secure a decision and commitment 获得一个决定和承诺的方法
14:30 – 14:45 BREAK 课间休息
14:45 – 15:15
Six Elements of Global Collaboration Overview and explanation 全球合作的六个要素的综述和解释
- Building Trust 建立信任
- Supporting Alignment 支持联盟
- Synchronized Workflows 同步的工作流程
- Leveraging Expertise 运用专家的知识
- Shared Understandings 分享认知
- Supporting Diversity 支持多元化
15:15 – 16:00
Supporting Diversity: Five Strategies for Managing Cultural Differences 支持多元化:管理文化差异的5个策略
- Adapt 适应
- Blend 协调
- Co-create 共同创造
- Divide 分割
- Enforce 执行
16:00 – 16:30
Develop a Personal Plan 制订一个个人计划
- Who do you want to Influence? 你想影响谁?
- Tactics and Strategy 方法和策略
- Do it! 采取行动!
16:30 – 17:00
Program Wrap Up 课程总结
- Shared thoughts 分享心得