Who is this for?
Junior to Mid-Level staff who frequently need to work with other departments, suppliers and customers. They sometimes struggle to achieve the level of collaboration that they desire, and want to find more effective ways of working together with people from different functions.
What will they learn?
This course is split into 2 parts. Day 1 focuses on communicating needs, to help learners clearly express their needs and influence others. Day 2 focuses on managing conflict, to help learners communicate more effectively when different parties have conflict interests.
How is this different to other courses?
All content is condensed into memorable and usable tools. These make the content easier to remember and use after the training. This way, you don’t have to worry about trainees remembering things, all they need to do is start using these tools and they will be directly applying the training to their work.
This course uses their own case studies.
One optional benefit is a personalised DISC assessment. This will help each individual identify their DISC style, as well as provide them with lots of tips and insights on how to become more adaptable.
What are the benefits?
After this course, trainees will be able to:
- Effectively manage and prioritise their stakeholder relationships
- Demonstrate cooperative mind-set when working with others
- Strengthen trust and relationships with others
- Formulate strategies for more effectively influencing others
- Communicate more assertively
- Better manage conflict
- Adapt to different working styles
Day 1 Morning:
- Introduction to Cross-Functional Communication
- Stakeholder Mapping
- Perceptual Positions
Day 1 Afternoon:
- Building Trust
- Influencing People’s Behaviour
Day 2 Morning:
- Assertive Communication
- Conflict Modes
Day 2 Afternoon:
- De-Escalating Conflict
- DISC Working Styles
Introduction to Cross-Functional Communication
- Summarise the key challenges of cross-functional communication and the reasons for those challenges
- Introduction to the course
- Group brainstorming on the key challenges of cross-functional communication
- Group analysis on the reasons for those key challenges
- Individual exercise to build their own case study for use throughout this course
Stakeholder Analysis
- Referring to their own case study, use the Influence and Interest tool to identify all relevant stakeholders, categorise and prioritise them, and summarise the most appropriate ways to communicate with each one
- Defining and identifying stakeholders
- Introduction to the Influence and Interest tool
- Using the Influence and Interest tool to categorise stakeholders
- Selecting appropriate communication strategies for each different category of stakeholder
Perceptual Positions
- Use the Perceptual Positions Model to analyse the different viewpoints of each party in a case study and identify strategies for appealing to each party’s needs
- The limits of our attention and how we get stuck in certain perceptual positions
- Overview of the Perceptual Positions Model
- Case Study Exercise and Role Play Activity
- Individual Case Study analysis using the Perceptual Positions Model
Building Trust
- Use The Trust Formula to formulate strategies for strengthening trust with others
- The impact of trust on our ability to influence
- Group brainstorming on what breaks trust
- Overview of The Trust Formula:
- Trust = Credibility + Reliability + Intimacy / Self Orientation
- Case study activity using The Trust Formula to identify ways of strengthening trust
- Individual Case Study analysis Using The Trust Formula
Influencing People’s Behaviour
- Use The Elephant and Rider metaphor to explain behavioural problems in the case studies provided as well as examples they have encountered at work
- The Elephant and Rider Metaphor for understanding why people behave the way they do
- The Rider needs direction, The Elephant needs motivation and both need a supportive environment
- The difference between motivation and will power
- Aligning Direction and Motivation for effective behaviour change
- Giving clear directions and instructions
- The 6 Principles of Influence:
- Reciprocity
- Commitment and Consistency
- Authority
- Social Proof
- Scarcity
- Liking
- Use the 6 Principles of Influence to formulate strategies for influencing in case studies provided
- Individual Case Study analysis using The Elephant and Rider Metaphor and other tools provided in this module
Assertive Communication
- Identify the difference between assertive, aggressive and passive communication styles, and use a questionnaire to identify their most frequently used style
- Rewrite a selection of written phrases to be more assertive by using the assertive communication techniques
- The difference between assertive, aggressive and passive communication
- A self assessment to rate their own level of assertiveness
- 5 different assertive communication techniques:
- I Language
- Opinions Vs Facts
- Positive Enquiry
- Fogging
- Broken Record
- Using the assertive communication techniques to rewrite a selection of non-assertive statements
Conflict Modes
Use the Conflict Modes model to analyse a case study and suggest an effective way of managing conflict
- Introduction to the Conflict Modes model (5 Conflict Modes: Compete, Avoid, Accommodate, Collaborate, Compromise)
- Analyse the advantages and disadvantages of each conflict mode
- Analyse the third case study and suggest an effective way of managing the conflict and give reasoning behind this
- Reflecting on individual preferences for managing conflict and identify areas for improvement
De-Escalating Conflict
- Demonstrate effective behaviours for de-escalating conflict on a role-play activity with a partner
- Use the SCARF Model to suggest ways of reducing tension in a conflict scenario
- The Escalation Exercise to identify behaviours that escalate conflict
- Group discussion to identify behaviours that de-escalate conflict
- Re-do The Escalation Exercise but this time by demonstrating the de-escalation behaviours
- The SCARF Model (Status, Certainty, Autonomy, Relatedness, Fairness)
- Using The SCARF Model to reduce tension with others
DISC Working Styles
Use the DISC model to clarify ones own working style and identify how to better adapt to other people’s working styles
- Optional pre-training DISC assessment to assess their own DISC Styles (this includes a personal profile report which will be provided during the training)
- Identifying ones own DISC style
- Working in groups of the same DISC style to identify that styles strengths and weaknesses
- Working with other DISC styles share suggestions on how to better adapt working and communication styles to each other
- Individual reflection on what actions they need to take to become more adaptable to other people at work
- 欢迎与介绍 (Welcome and Introduction)
- 简介及分组
- 学习目标和学员期望
- 有效聆听 (Effective Listening)
- 暖场游戏:绘画与沟通游戏及点评
- 沟通闭环模型以及有效沟通的二八定律和黄金圈法则
- 聆听过程
- 聆听四层次(“不”听、“正确答案式”听、“已经知道了”听、积极聆听)
- 主动聆听SOLER模型
- 非口头沟通 (Non-verbal Communications)
- 肢体语言和语音语调
- 互联网时代的沟通注意事项
- 书面沟通常用句型
- 沟通风格测评和应用 (Communication Style Assessment & Application)
- 沟通风格偏好自我评估
- 四种沟通风格偏好: 分析型、平易型、驾驭型、表现型
- 分组讨论:不同部门和个人的沟通风格,如何调整您的沟通风格
- 情景演练
- 有效沟通–“持有不同观点时的有效沟通”互动练习 (Effective Communications)
- 立场 V.S. 利益
- 分组互动
- 讲师点评
- 同理心沟通和情绪智慧(Communicate with Empathy and Emotional Intelligence)
- 情绪觉察和情绪管理
- 同理心和同情心的区别
- 同理心回应
- 提出澄清式问题
- 使用带有“我”的句式陈述观点
- 团队协作(Team Collaboration and Synergy)
- 暖场游戏:三连棋游戏
- Bruce Tuckman团队组建四阶段以及破坏信任的行为
- 团队组建各阶段的特点以及领导者应扮演的角色
- 组织利益V.S.团队利益
- 穿越激流团队协作互动游戏及讲师点评
- 上下级沟通和反馈 (Communication between Hierarchies and Feedback)
- 向上沟通
- 正面反馈–激励
- 建设性反馈–绩效改进
- 总结和行动计划 (Summary & Action Plan)