The aim of Managing Situations is to help managers understand the different modes that they can use to interact, communicate and develop their team members. This is a basic management concept and skills session. It is suitable for first time managers and also those with people management experience but that have lacked systematic training and development
The participants will be able to:
- Analyze which stage of development their employee is at
- Use the appropriate management style
- Correct themselves when they are using inappropriate communication/management style
- Engage employees in more meaningful conversations
9:00 – 9:15
Program Introduction
- Introductions
- Program Objectives; Norms; Expectations
9:15 – 9:45
Managing People Exercise
- Four Tables – Four different questions.
- 5 min to discuss & flipchart answers. 4 min per table to debrief.
- Reveal Essential Skills for Managers
9:45 – 10:15
Managing Situations Assessment
Inform participants of the following points:
- Individual exercise
- Choose only 1 answer on how you CURRENTLY manage today
- Do not overanalyze – this is not a test
- Explanation and Discussion
- What are good manager behaviors?
- How would you identify if a manager was having a good or bad day at work? What would you observe or hear?
- Highlight the point that a good/successful people manager is under control and not at the mercy of his/her emotions. Introduce idea of being proactive.
10:30 – 10:45 Break
10:45 – 11:05
Managing Situations Overview
- Definition of ‘management’ and ‘influence’.
- Highlight difference between successful and effective Managers
- Success is defined as behavior, performance and results:
- Does the individual do what you want him or her to do?
- Does the job get done?
- Are goals accomplished?
- Ask participants to answer the ‘Successful and Effective Management Worksheet’
11:05 – 12:00
Managing Situations – Analysis
- Management Style and Perception
- Explain: The set of behaviors you use regularly with others, as perceived or experienced by others. Your style is perceived by others, not you.
- Explain the 3 skills of a situational manager:
- Analysis – the willingness and ability to assess other’s development needs. We’ll spend the most time in class on this skill because it is very important.
- Adaptability – the ability to use a variety of management modes styles comfortably.
- Agreement – reaching agreements with people about the management mode they need in order to be successful.
- Capability and Confidence
- Explain that an individual’s developmental level is based on two elements: competence and commitment.
- Describe and explain competence; transferable skills and confidence
- Explain the Four Stages of Growth
- G1 – The Excited Beginner
- G2 – The Frustrated Learner
- G3 – The Competent, but Careful Performer
- G4 – The Independent Achiever
- Exercise
- Assign each group one of the Growth Stages.
- Ask them to brainstorm and discuss the following:
- NEEDS from the manager
12:00 – 12:30
Analysis Practice – The Case of Jasmine
- Introduce the case study. “The Case of Jasmine”
- Participants work individually at first then share at the table.
- Debrief the case study.
12:30 – 13:30 LUNCH
13:30 – 14:10
Managing Situations – Adaptability
- Review the definition of adaptability.
- Explain Informative vs. Interpersonal Behavior
- Exercise: Coding Management Behaviors
- Ask individuals in the group to read the statement aloud and indicate whether it is Directive or Supportive behavior. Could also ask the group to work as small groups or in pairs to identify the answers before you verify.
- Explain The Four Management Styles
- Each management mode is a unique combination of Informative and interpersonal behavior.
- Give an overview and description of each of the modes. There is a lot of theory and information. Move quickly and get to the activity and exercises as soon as possible.
14:10 – 14:30
Review and Score Managing Situations Assessment
- Explain how to score Managing Situations Assessment.
- Follow the instructions on the Managing Situations Scoring Sheet
- Explain Matching Management Styles
- Review the 3 choices of a match.
- The appropriate style for the situation based on Analysis.
- Over-manage – when you give an individual more direction than he or she needs.
- Under-manage – when you use a Supporting or Delegating style and the individual really needs direction and close management to build skills.
14:30 – 15:30
Match / Mismatch Activity
- Arrange participants into groups of 8 people each.
- Ask them to sit in formation as shown on PPT. (Managers sit on inside and Employees sit on outside)
- Hand out Management Mode Role sheet and Growth Stage (Employee) Role Sheet.
- Read their assigned role silently. Keep confidential. Do not share with others.
- Follow instructions as indicated on role sheet. Elaborate but do not add anything new. Stay in role for each round. There will be four rounds of 4-5 min each.
- Act as if in an actual meeting with the person. Try to find your “match”
At the end of four rounds let everyone ‘vent’ and blow off steam. There will be frustrations about the conversations that took place.
Did you have a match? Ask for examples.
Did you have a mismatch? Ask for examples.
The purpose of the activity is to let participants know what a MATCH feels like.
15:30 – 15:40 BREAK
15:40 – 16:15
Managing Situations – Game
- Introduce the game: Refer to printed instructions
- Prepare Scoring Grid on Flipchart
- Competition for each table to identify the development level of the individual and determine the appropriate management mode.
- The objective of the game is to get the correct answers and the highest score.
16:15 – 16:40
Managing Situations – Agreement
- Review the definition of partnering for AGREEMENT.
- Make these points:
- The dialogue in partnering for performance invites individuals to share information about how the manager can be more responsive and helpful.
- It also builds individuals’ commitment to the organization’s goals because they begin to understand why the results are important.
- Partnering means getting permission and gaining cooperation for using the management mode with individuals that will help them achieve their goals and develop their competence, motivation, and confidence.
16:40 – 17:00
Managing Situations – Working with your Team
- Direct participants to complete INDIVIDUALLY the G1, G2, G3, G4 pages In their workbook
- When finished, work with someone at their table to share and give feedback on their thoughts.