This workshop is for experienced, seasoned presenters that have had prior training and years of experience. This workshop will take their abilities to the next level. It
focuses on communication principles taken from many fields of business and communication such as marketing and advertising, persuasion theory, neuroscience as
applied to communication and influence, and the ancient arts of rhetoric and oratory delivery. The goal is not to train the students to mimic a certain style or speaker but rather
to use their own personality and style in a way that gains trust, wins respect, and motivates others to action.
This course introduces participants to the top presentation skills available; Storytelling, Persuasion, Slide design principles, and more. In addition to an overview of all presentation and Public Speaking fundamentals, this workshop will introduce you to some of the next level skills and techniques. In addition, participants will get personal feedback on their strengths and weaknesses, as well as their future goals to continue working towards.
Cognition Theory: Understanding how the audiences brains process and retain information and how that affects content and delivery
Persuasion Theory: Find out the 6 principles of persuasion and how to implement them in
your next presentation.
Storytelling: Getting instant and lasting engagement through well crafted and well
told stories
Slide/PPT Design: Basics of slide/PPT
design to efficiently and effectively share data
Experienced speakers who want to better engage, connect, and persuade their audiences.
Speakers who want and need personal and constructive feedback
Day 1
9:00 – Morning Session DESIGN
• Icebreaker and Introduction to the 3D Presentation System
• Elements of great Presentations-group discussions and review
• Review of fundamental presentation design and public speaking best practices
11:00 Break
• Audience Analysis- Techniques and methodology
• Activity: Baseline Presentation with feedback from trainer
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Afternoon Session DEVELOP
• The Rule of 3 in advertising – marketing tactic to increase attention & retention as well
as structure to your presentations
• Strategy: The A|B|C Model strategy tool
• Cognition Theory- Content , Structure, and
2:30 Break
• Persuasion Theory: 6 Principles of persuasion and applications in presenting
• Activity: brainstorming ways to apply persuasion theory to existing and future presentations
• Final Presentation- Speaking assignment
• Student presentations
• Trainer feedback and evaluation, and Day 1 review
5:00 End Of Day 1
9:00 Morning Session
• Review of day 1 and overview
• Student Presentations with Trainer feedback
11:00 Break
• Storytelling- Introduction to finding and crafting
existing and hypothetical stories into powerful, focused tools of communication
• Why tell stories
• Science of Storytelling
• Key elements to Storytelling
12:00 LUNCH
1:00 Afternoon Session
Storytelling techniques for better delivery
• Brainstorming / practice session
Slide design/PPT design fundamentals
• Design fundamentals: Contrast, repetition, alignment, and
• Color theory-choosing a color palette
• Typography basics- choosing a typeface and pairing
• Advanced Body language techniques- Eye contact,
posturing, gesturing, and facial expressions
• Voice Control- Using the 5P’s : Pace, Pitch, Power,
Personality, and Passion
• Naturalness- Discovering and developing your
unique presentation personality
2:30 Break
• Final Presentation- Speaking assignment
• Student presentations
• Trainer feedback and evaluation
• Course review
5:00 End of day 2