Presentation Persuasion is an advanced workshop designed to help presenters make their presentations more targeted, strategic, and persuasive. Using time tested oratory techniques as well as cutting edge neuromarketing science, this workshop will show you
how to optimize your results. Participants will be taught the most powerful marketing
and advertising methods used by the worlds most effective influencers, Whether your
selling, motivating, or persuading, you’ll learn and practice the best methods of
getting what you want!
PREPARATION – the foundation of persuasion
• Persuasion Theory: Challenges, misunderstandings, and common errors
• Marketing 101: Audience Analysis and why and how people make choices, decisions,
and buy
COGNITION- the science of how we think and process information
• Load- The amount and complexity our brain can easily process at any given time
• Bias- The subconscious tendencies our brain has for or against concepts
• Dissonance- The struggle to harmonize inconsistency
ORATION- the ancient art of public speaking
• Oratory, Aristotle, and Demosthenes- The origins of modern presentations
• Ethos – Ethical appeal
• Pathos- Emotional appeal
• Logos- Logical appeal
• Rhetoric: The ancient art of persuasion and the devices still used today
PERSUASION- the theory behind affecting change
• Neuromarketing- Using brain science to shape your message
• 6 Tools of Influence- Book highlights from author Dr. Robert Cialdini
• Behavioral Science + Economics: Introduction, Examples, and Applications
VISUALIZATION- aids to perception
• Images – mental and emotional shortcuts and using balance
• Color- designing with context, harmony and the color wheel
• Graphs and charts- giving numbers meaning while avoiding boring complexity
• Text- typography, minimalism , white space , and cognitive load
CONNECTION- the human element of bonding
• Rapport- Building a relationship with your audience
• Nerves- Managing your fear of others, yourself, and failure
• Eye Contact- Using your eyes to read, express, and connect
• Naturalness- Building trust and confidence through being your true self
CONVICTION- the feelings we share
• Passion – Creating, developing, and expressing belief
• Body Language- Posture, expressions, gestures, positioning, and movement
• Voice – Using the voice to affect persuasion
ACTION- the call for change
• Change- Logical appeal
• Finale – Building up to the crescendo
• Executable – Facilitating change:
removing obstacles and building bridges
• Follow up – Planning for the future:
seeing it through after the presentation
• Final Student presentation – feedback
• Review – Principles
- 学习思维导图来构建演讲内容
- 学习听众分析工具来定制听众需要的内容
- 学习演讲技巧来建立自信和个人信誉,达成演讲目标
第一天:Day 1
上午 AM
- 演讲基本知识 Presentation Basics
- 魅力演讲IMPACT模型: IMPACT Model
- I开场破冰 建立信誉 Ice-breaking for Establishing Credibility
- 六脉神剑 6 Powerful Hooks
- 开场设计及练习 Design & Practice
- M思维导图 设定目标 Mind-mapping for Setting Objectives
- 思维导图练习 Scenario Practice
下午 PM
- P构建主体 结构清晰 Presenting the Main Part
- 4S结构 4S Structure
- A分析听众 知己知彼 Analyzing the Audience
- C精彩结尾 加深印象 Closing the Presentation
- SAID模型 SAID Model
- 运用第一天所学工具设计整体演讲内容
第二天: Day 2
上午 AM
- 整体演讲内容练习(摄像辅助)
- T演讲技巧 做好准备
- 肢体语言 Body Language
- 语音语调 Vocal
- 过渡练习 Transitions
- 故事讲述练习 Story-telling Practice
- 克服紧张情绪 Overcoming nerves
下午 PM
- 针对学员自己准备的演讲内容进行综合练习 Presentation Practice
- 学员观察反馈 Team Member Observation & Feedback
- 讲师点评 Facilitator Debrief
- 总结并设定行动计划 Summary & Action Plan